Sunday, January 3, 2010

Universal Notebook Adapter

Going green has been the mantra where consumer electronics and transportation are concerned for a fair number of years already, and we have good reason to be worried about the condition of our earth when we pass on – do we make sure that our kids are able to live in a clean environment, or must they wear gas masks with oxygen tanks each time they head outdoors? The choice is ours, and there are many methods that we can take to make sure that apocalyptic scenarios do not occur once we have breathed our last. Apart from taking public transport and making more earth-friendly choices in terms of food, another way would be to use more green electronics.
Huntkey 90W Energy Star is a high-efficiency adapter for notebooks. An Energy Star-V product, with conversion efficiency up to 87%, saves power as much as you expect. It includes 10 different notebook tips for compatibility with a wide variety of leading notebook brands. 
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